Join us

Quelab is a 100% volunteer organization, and our greatest strength is community members like you! Our community is made of makers and tinkerers, inventors and entrepreneurs, geeks and nerds, experts and newbies, teachers and students, and everyone in between. Without the continued membership of these people, we would be unable to keep the doors open and the lights on. Our memberships are $50/month, and after you complete the new member orientation, you will get all of the following perks:

  • 24/7 access to the space
  • Access to members-only tools
  • Project & Parts storage in our storage room
  • Temporary large project storage
  • Access to special members-only events
  • A free Quelab T-Shirt (some assembly required)!

Unfortunately, we are unable to have members under 18. Any other person at your residence (ages 18+) can sign up as an Associate member for only $25/month; As a member of Quelab, you are welcome to bring up to 7 personal guests of any age. We do ask that everyone under the age of 18 has a legal guardian present. 

Additionally, for full-time students (also age 18 and over), we do have a $25/month price-plan. You get the same level of access to Quelab’s space and benefits, but since we know how much it takes to be a student, we have this mini-scholarship available.  Select the 'student' option below.  Membership at this level requires you to provide proof every semester of your current class schedule, as proof that you qualify for the student level.

Quelab cannot provide refunds at this time.

New Member Orientation Required

  • No orientations scheduled, please email
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Select membership level

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* Membership level

Copyright © 2024 Quelab
Quelab is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

1511 Central Ave NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software