Summer 2024 saw Quelab being forced to move to a new location. As of October 2024, that new building has been found, purchased, and renovations are underway.
QUELAB IS OPEN: (web editor's note: Sort of. Well, kinda. Read on for more details)
We want to send a real big THANK YOU to all you members who have stuck with us and paid dues throughout the move and renovations. Without your steadfast support we would not have been able to accomplish everything. Because of your support we
have accomplished in just over 4 months what all the experts said would take 18 months to 2 years. THANK YOU ALL. Stewards are being given orientation and access and are putting the various areas together. As rooms become available the stewards will announce it. Adric and the registrars are developing the building orientation and very shortly they will be announcing schedules for re-orienting existing members.
If anyone has questions, I am available at any time via phone or email.
Darrel Knutson
Chief Cat Herder
darrel @